Culture & Development

VivArte links art with sustainability, whilst also connecting culture with creativity and productive life. It provides proof regarding the strength of the cultural industry, establishing an example of a new developmental culture.

We present proposals that connect culture with sustainable tourism. We are establishing a new cultural industry that can directly enhance economic and tourism development

We implement GRecoACTE, an annual international meeting of art and culture, a pioneering and holistic event of experiential outdoor tourism

We develop new tools for reviving customs and the intangible cultural reserves in order to promote and enrich travel destinations

We innovate with initiatives for the creation of artistic events that promote and give life to our monuments and archaeological sites

We create live visual and expressive events in primitive landscapes and habitats, promoting agrotourism, nature and the environment

We search for solutions and we implement actions as examples against the desertification and abandonment of the countryside. We are reopening old schools, teaching sustainability and culture in isolated villages in the province
